In-Portal Forum
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- Topics (223)
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- Last post
Problem creating a contact form via the admin
by cwalker - 1
- 2,109
05/19/2010, 11:08:26 AM
by alex
Problem creating a contact form via the admin
members having log in problems.
by cynthiyc - 1
- 2,156
04/23/2010, 4:14:41 PM
by Dmitry
members having log in problems.
Error to login after try to change styles.
by rushhohol - 4
- 2,142
04/04/2010, 10:36:50 PM
by Dmitry
Error to login after try to change styles.
by cynthiyc - 3
- 2,230
03/20/2010, 10:45:12 AM
by cynthiyc
sos Cutting off the words in the description box and won't save them.
by cynthiyc - 3
- 2,139
03/20/2010, 10:43:32 AM
by cynthiyc
sos Cutting off the words in the description box and won't save them.
size for menu icons? and how to load them to the site?
by cynthiyc - 2
- 2,212
03/20/2010, 10:42:01 AM
by cynthiyc
size for menu icons? and how to load them to the site?
Images not shoing up properly on search results page.
by cynthiyc - 2
- 2,139
03/20/2010, 10:40:58 AM
by cynthiyc
Images not shoing up properly on search results page.
Search function on custom fields
by cynthiyc - 2
- 2,142
03/20/2010, 10:39:16 AM
by cynthiyc
Search function on custom fields
user registration field need to add a custom item
by cynthiyc - 2
- 2,114
03/20/2010, 10:33:57 AM
by cynthiyc
user registration field need to add a custom item
Editable regions keep disappearing and data is lost... Please help!
by cynthiyc - 2
- 2,121
03/20/2010, 10:31:46 AM
by cynthiyc
Editable regions keep disappearing and data is lost... Please help!
Search by zip code on the site
by cynthiyc - 2
- 2,066
03/08/2010, 7:31:04 PM
by cynthiyc
Search by zip code on the site
Using the features of the program
by cynthiyc - 0
- 2,158
03/02/2010, 5:28:46 PM
by cynthiyc
Using the features of the program
Having problems with enable link contact forms
by cynthiyc - 0
- 2,107
03/02/2010, 5:26:37 PM
by cynthiyc
Having problems with enable link contact forms
Menu not working
by cynthiyc - 1
- 2,148
02/28/2010, 5:24:30 PM
by Dmitry
Menu not working
Can't register as a user
by Greybeard - 1
- 2,037
02/19/2010, 7:56:07 AM
by alex
Can't register as a user
Problems installing In-Link Directory Management Script
by user77 - 3
- 2,312
02/12/2010, 1:38:30 PM
by Dmitry
Problems installing In-Link Directory Management Script
Website pages look very unprofessional and float off the edge of the page...
by cynthiyc - 1
- 2,150
02/04/2010, 7:54:23 PM
by Dmitry
Website pages look very unprofessional and float off the edge of the page...
Problem with new site
by bloo - 4
- 2,211
01/22/2010, 6:58:31 PM
by Dmitry
Problem with new site
Changing Permissions?
by JillJ - 1
- 2,475
06/20/2008, 7:29:03 PM
by Dmitry
Changing Permissions?
Patches for In-portal v4.3.0 and modules
by Dmitry - 9
- 2,456
05/16/2008, 7:08:06 PM
by rushhohol
Patches for In-portal v4.3.0 and modules