Posted: 01/26/2010 2:52:47 PM
The script has been uploaded and unpacked unto the server (www.) without a problem (all files are in the server) but whenever I implement the installation procedure (/core/install.php) into my internet browser it does not work. When I try to follow the path on my interent browser to where the install.php file is located on my server (/in-portal/in-link/install.php) that doesn't work either.
I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with MySQL database, but there is one that has already been created(before I uploaded and unpacked this script), not specifically for in-portal but there is one available. Because your script installation instructions says to skip this stage if a MySQL database is already setup, I haven't bothered with creating another one. And even if this was required, I wouldn't know where to begin as I am not computer savvy and therefore don't really know how to create one or link a MySQL database to script files.
The next step in the installation process -- according to the In-Portal Script installation instructions -- is "to proceed with the installation of In-Portal through your web browser. In your web browser go to the URL where you uploaded In-portal followed by “/core/install.php”. But as mentioned before, when I try to do that, it's to no avail.