Posted: 01/18/2010 5:51:28 AM
it's possibile to inserte int he email confirmation order, the details od orders? items, price, shipping cost, ecc?
If yes how?
Posted: 01/18/2010 5:51:28 AM
Posted: 01/18/2010 10:45:07 AM
bloo wrote: | 01/18/2010 5:51:28 AM |
Hi! it's possibile to inserte int he email confirmation order, the details od orders? items, price, shipping cost, ecc? If yes how? Thanks Max |
Posted: 01/19/2010 3:45:06 AM
Posted: 01/19/2010 4:14:49 AM
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="orderitem_elem">
<inp2:Field name="ProductName" pad="34"/> (qty <inp2:Field name="Quantity"/>) <inp2:Field name="ExtendedPrice" currency="selected"/><br/>
Dear <inp2:ord_Field name="BillingTo" />,<br/><br/>
Thank you for your purchase!<br/><br/>
<inp2:m_if check="ord_UsingCreditCard">
Please allow 24 hours for us to confirm and process your order.
<inp2:m_else />
Please send a check or a money order in the amount of <inp2:ord_Field field="TotalAmount" currency="selected"/> to:
All checks must be drawn in U.S. funds from a U.S. bank.
Please attach a printout of this receipt with your check and
write down your order number. Your order will be approved
within 8 business days after the day we receive your check,
or within 2 business days after we receive a money order or
bank draft.
Below are the details of your order:<br/><br/>
Order Contents:
<inp2:ord_PrintCart item_render_as="orderitem_elem" header_render_as="html:" footer_render_as="html:" empty_cart_render_as="html:" per_page="-1"/>
Sub Total: <inp2:ord_Field field="SubtotalWithDiscount" currency="selected"/><br/>
Taxes: <inp2:ord_Field name="VAT" currency="selected"/><br/>
Total: <inp2:ord_Field field="TotalAmount" currency="selected"/> <br/><br/>
Billing Information:
Amount Billed: <inp2:ord_Field field="TotalAmount" currency="selected"/>
<inp2:m_if check="ord_UsingCreditCard">
Payment Type: <inp2:ord_Field name="PaymentType" />
Credit Card: <inp2:ord_Field name="PaymentAccount" masked="masked"/>
<inp2:m_else />
Payment Type: <inp2:ord_Field name="PaymentType" />
Contact Information:
Name: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingTo"/><br/>
E-mail: <inp2:m_if check="ord_Field" name="BillingEmail">
<a href="mailto:<inp2:ord_Field field="BillingEmail"/>"><inp2:ord_Field field="BillingEmail"/></a>
<inp2:m_else />
<a href="mailto:<inp2:u_Field field="Email"/>"><inp2:u_Field field="Email"/></a>
Company/Organization: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingCompany"/><br/>
Phone: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingPhone"/><br/>
Fax: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingFax"/><br/>
Address Line 1: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingAddress1"/><br/>
Address Line 2: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingAddress2"/><br/>
City: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingCity"/><br/>
State: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingState"/> <br/>
ZIP Code: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingZip"/><br/>
Country: <inp2:ord_Field field="BillingCountry"/><br/>
Posted: 01/19/2010 7:28:57 AM
Posted: 01/19/2010 8:27:31 AM
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