Posted: 06/27/2015 2:09:34 PM
Hello Everyone,
I have posted before and nothing has fixed the following problem:
I am using the advanced theme. I set up the forums and created a category title "Airlines" ---> sub category American Airlines. When I entered a new topic that says FF program to test, I click on it and it goes to the index page (home page) ie: does not show the topic that was typed in. You can see what a I am talking about if you go to and click thru the forums. I have the same problem with In-link. Could this be a template problem?
I have spent in excess of 20 hours trying to get this to work. I have set permissions, deleted and reloaded the template just to name a few things I have tried. If I cannot get this to work, I will need to abandon In-Portal and switch to another CMS.
Thank you for your assistnace.