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Related Category Order (4)

Posted: 11/29/2005 7:18:28 AM

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I am wondering how to change the order of related categories. Currently, they display in the order that we add them. For an example of what I refer to, go to:

I have tried changing the priority for each of these categories in the main link window as well as changing the priority of the relationship to this article.


Posted: 11/30/2005 9:54:25 AM

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jsprague wrote:11/29/2005 7:18:28 AM

I am wondering how to change the order of related categories. Currently, they display in the order that we add them. For an example of what I refer to, go to:

I have tried changing the priority for each of these categories in the main link window as well as changing the priority of the relationship to this article.


Hello Jason,

I'll look into that and let you know shortly.


Posted: 12/11/2005 11:38:12 PM

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Have you had a chance to look into this?


Posted: 12/13/2005 10:27:40 AM

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jsprague wrote:12/11/2005 11:38:12 PM

Have you had a chance to look into this?


Yes Jason,

I did and seems a little complicated to explain here, but if you want I can try something for you. Send me your site FTP to if you interested.

By the way, what's the criterion you want to order it by.

Thank you.

[Edited By Dmitry on 12/13/05 10:28:48 AM]