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Theme with 100% width (2)

Posted: 12/08/2004 11:52:57 PM

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I notice that in-portal is designed for 770 pixel width

Is there a theme with full width (100%)?

I made a remplacemente of code

width="770" for width="100%"

but it only modified frontpage, and in sub pages, the content window and footer are still of 770 width

How can I change this?


Posted: 12/09/2004 10:01:03 AM

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For the moment it's the only theme we have besides the almost finished In-link2 one, but it still doesn't have templates with 100% width. You simply need to change that value in most of top/general templates. I would recommend to perform a global search throughout the whole "themes/default" directory and change whatever needs to be changed.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for your question.