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Upload images for users (4)

Posted: 11/20/2004 9:44:24 PM

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I know I can upload images for the links in the admin area
Is there a way to allow users to the same?

I tried using the custom fields, but it does not have image field option. How do users upload images for their links?

Posted: 11/21/2004 6:56:55 PM

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Hello tidalx,

If you are referring to Inlink3, the image upload is built right into the form on the default Theme.
In In-link 2, you don't need to use custom fields, but you do need a little extra code that will process images thru front end. There must alredy be some examples here on the forum.

Posted: 11/21/2004 7:18:44 PM

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If I want more than 1 image per link?

Posted: 11/21/2004 10:13:09 PM

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You shouldn't have a problem with having multiple image uploads on "Suggest a Link" page. Simply duplicate the default tags and change "_field=" value so it will be treated as another input field.

Thank you.