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admin log in problem (7)

Posted: 03/11/2011 4:09:56 AM

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after installation , i log in to admin control panel, username is "root" , password is my password.
but cant log in. also didnt show any error message.what can i do now?

Posted: 03/11/2011 4:19:30 AM

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Please specify you webserver configuration.

Also maybe there is something in your webserver's error log, that can shad some light on it. You can post relevant error log records here too.

Posted: 03/11/2011 9:32:38 AM

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What is the In-Portal version you are using?


Posted: 03/13/2011 9:40:03 PM

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i using version 5.0

Posted: 03/13/2011 10:25:36 PM

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can you check for me? during installation any problems ?

Write Permissions Check
/ [Secure]
/index.php [Secure]
\system/config.php [Secure]
/admin/index.php [Secure]
Ability to Execute PHP in Writable Folders
Result of creating and executing PHP file(s) in "/system" (or "/system/images") folder [Vulnerable]
For security reasons it's highly recommended disable the access (execution) to PHP files within "/system" folder and it's subfolders.
You can do this by:

* changing your "httpd.conf" file to deny requests for all "*.php" files
* renaming ".htaccess-sample" (located in "/system") to ".htaccess" so it overrides default Apache settings

Note that "AllowOverride LIMIT" option should be enabled by your hosting provider.
Webserver PHP Configuration
Directive: register_globals set to Off [Secure]
Directive: open_basedir set to Off [Vulnerable]
Directive: allow_url_fopen set to '1' [Vulnerable]

Posted: 03/13/2011 11:03:04 PM

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First of all, we do NOT recommend posting your PHP INFO just like that on the Forums - it's VERY insecure, so you better remove that file.

I have had a quick look at your PHP info and I think I know the source of this problem with Login into the Admin. You have said that using In-Portal 5.0 - please be more specific since there was a bug related to your issue that was fixed in In-Portal 5.1.2-B2 release.


Posted: 03/13/2011 11:43:09 PM

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i using in portal version 5.1.2 b2