Posted: 11/03/2005 3:40:12 PM
We have the following bug in our current version: When you create a topic on a forum and select the 'Notify me when posts are made in this topic' option, the email notification will not work.
Here is the info on how to fix your In-Portal installation: The email is not being sent, because there is no text in the message of the email. To put text in the message: Go to Admin Console -> Configuration -> Regional, check the primary language, click 'Edit' and, on the next screen, click on the 'Email Events' tab. The event you are looking for is the 'Post Added' or 'Post Modified' depending on what exact user action you want the message sent. Use the search to find one of these events, then select it, click 'Edit' and put a subject line and some message in the body. A suggested format for the body is:
New reply has been added to one of your posts:
<inp:topic _field="text" /> - <inp:topic _field="link" _Template="inbulletin/post_list" />