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In-Portal Forum

In Portal, In Link, In News, In Commerce, simply don't work AT ALL! Please help! (4)

Posted: 11/30/2013 8:00:04 PM

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I attempted to download In Portal about a year ago. My install didn't work. I tried again today, and it still doesn't work. Please help me install In Portal on my server so I can see if it will work for my purpose. Please refer me to someone else if you can't help. I will pay for the help! 541-806-4076

Details: I type "my_site_URL/core/install.php" and get nothing but 404 errors. This is as far as I got last year, too. I hoped that the latest upgrade would have included a fix, but no.

I would like very much to try In Portal and In Link, and the others too, but I can't get it to work...this makes me skeptical. Is it a hoax? Are there really any sites that use In Portal?


Posted: 11/30/2013 10:40:50 PM

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Thank you for your inquiry!

In-Portal does work indeed!

In private email that I just sent I have asked to provide a full path to your installation so we can take a quick look at it.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Posted: 12/02/2013 2:29:24 PM

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Thank you, Dmitry. I am eager to see its performance!

Posted: 12/02/2013 2:42:27 PM

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Hi Dmitry,

I can't find the email from you. I'll send you all the logon info, but I'd rather not on the public bulletin board. 541-806-4076