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Installation Process does not work (5)

Posted: 10/01/2013 7:18:11 PM

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I installed In-Portal with FTP taking into consideration ASCII and Binary Modes but the Installation Process does not work or start.
I uploaded the files many times , but with no use.

Here is my site link

I want to translate this great script to my language (Arabic)
Thank you

Posted: 10/02/2013 2:28:52 AM

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Please define "doesn't work".

1. Do you see installation wizard by going to "/core/install.php" url?
2. If you do then are all requirements met on "System Requirements" step to proceed with installation?
3. If all requirements are met, then you can proceed with installation.
4. If not all requirements are met, then which one are not met (there is a help text on the right to guide you in making all requirements ready to continue installation)?

Posted: 11/18/2013 8:27:02 AM

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Hi, I came across your CMS portal,Much interested after using alot of other CMS.I think yours meet my require skills for flexibility and customization.So my question is this.

1. Step by Step install guide in Windows. I help on this urgently...

My Regards

Posted: 11/30/2013 8:02:45 PM

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Me too!

The marketing materials make these products look great, but they just don't work.

I wish anyone who can make them work would contact me!


Posted: 11/30/2013 8:04:39 PM

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I've spent many hours uploading and re-uploading these products. I've tried every combination, every variation I can think of. They just don't work.

I will pay for anyone who is able, to make them work on my server. Please contact me.
