Posted: 03/09/2012 9:28:00 PM
Hi Guys,
I am trying to set up my first inportal site on Hostgator web hosting. I successfully have inportal running locally on my Windows 7 laptop. So what I tried to do to publish my site to the server is:
1. Copied (ftp) all my files up to the server
2. Took an export on my database and imported into new database on server
3. Updated the file \in-portal\system\config.php to use my server settings
4. I noticed in Windows all table names in the database were lower case, I renamed them into camel case on the server. Not sure if this is necessary but I found with other CMS's that is needed.
I tried the site but get this error:
Fatal Error: Include file for class CategoryHelper (/home/xxxx/public_html\core\units\helpers\category_helper.php) does not exists in /home/xxxx/public_html/core/kernel/utility/factory.php on line 223
I have the in-link module installed too.