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upgrade from 2.0 even possible? (4)

Posted: 12/24/2011 5:26:32 AM

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quite few years ago, we bought in-portal with directoy management (version 2). Till now, worked without bigger problem. Now we are moving to new server and we want to upgrade to latest version. Is this even possible? If not, can we backup old data and import it to new installation?

thank you for pointing to right direction/address


Posted: 12/24/2011 10:03:53 AM

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In 4.x versions of In-Portal there is import option from In-Link 2 database.

However In-Portal 5.x template syntax differs from In-Link 2.0 so and you need to rewrite your website theme from scratch.

Posted: 12/26/2011 5:00:01 PM

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Thank you for your answer. Is then possible to upgrade to 4.0 and then from 4.0 to 5.0?

thank you.

Posted: 09/29/2012 5:29:17 AM

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twosocks wrote:12/26/2011 5:00:01 PM
Thank you for your answer. Is then possible to upgrade to 4.0 and then from 4.0 to 5.0?

thank you.

You can do a clean install of In-Portal version, which still has In-Link 2 import feature in it. Then upgrade that In-Portal version (after import has been done) to 5.x version of In-Portal.

But as I said you need to manually fix all theme to work with inp2 tags.