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upgrade error (4)

Posted: 10/18/2011 4:23:44 AM

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Hi everyone,

i just upgraded from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 then to 5.0.0 to 5.1.3.

now when going to main website page i get this error :

Fatal Error: RealClass not defined for pseudo_class cms_TagProcessor in /home/www/5c857e13d26137bb80f86e9e04c9045e/web/web/core/kernel/utility/factory.php on line 105

sometimes i also get this one :

Fatal Error: Configuration file for prefix curr is unknown in /home/www/5c857e13d26137bb80f86e9e04c9045e/web/web/core/kernel/utility/unit_config_reader.php on line 905

now front-end is unusable and i cannot go to admin either...


Posted: 10/19/2011 2:51:57 AM

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You most probably have your old theme in place, which uses old tags, that no longer exist in 5.x versions of In-Portal.

For example all <inp2:cms_ tags now are called <inp2:st_ ....

You should get latest "advanced" theme to see what have been changed since your theme was created.

If your theme was created based on "onlinestore" theme and not "default/advanced" theme, then amount of work to be done exponentially raises, since we no longer support "onlinestore" theme in In-Portal 5.x installations.

Word "curr" is used to create currency dropdown. If In-Commerce isn't installed, but you are using "curr" in template, then this is what you will see.

Posted: 10/20/2011 1:49:39 PM

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so i should upgrade in-commerce for this error to go away?

How can i do that since i currently have in-portal 5.3.1 installed and in-commerce still is 4.3.9. I tried to upgrade only in-commerce but i get the error :

Error: (1062) Duplicate entry 'in-commerce:products.view-11-0-1' for key 2

Last Database Query:

Module "In-Commerce" upgrade to "5.0.0" failed.
Click Continue button below to skip this query and go further

any help welcome....



Posted: 09/29/2012 5:35:03 AM

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guidesuisse wrote:10/20/2011 1:49:39 PM
so i should upgrade in-commerce for this error to go away?

How can i do that since i currently have in-portal 5.3.1 installed and in-commerce still is 4.3.9. I tried to upgrade only in-commerce but i get the error :

Error: (1062) Duplicate entry 'in-commerce:products.view-11-0-1' for key 2

Last Database Query:

Module "In-Commerce" upgrade to "5.0.0" failed.
Click Continue button below to skip this query and go further

any help welcome....



Error won't go away just after doing upgrade, because theme files are not upgraded and if you have customized theme then you need to fix it manually.

Upgrading only In-Commerce without also upgrading In-Portal would cause an error, because In-Portal version must always be higher or equals to it's module versions.