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Installation-Which folders or subfolders do I need t install (2)

Posted: 11/21/2010 3:10:02 PM

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I have read the installation guide and I have installed scripts in the past but I was confused when i unzip the in-portal zip folder. There are subfolders in the unzip folder.My questions:

1- which do i need to install?

2- do I need to unzip the subfolders before uploading via ftp?

2- if so,there are other subfolders inside and which do i have to install


Posted: 11/21/2010 4:28:57 PM

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Thanks for downloading and trying In-Portal!

The steps are simple:

1. Download In-Portal CMS zip file and other modules you are interested in (ie. In-Link) to your local PC.

2. Do the right click and run Extract here... option on each of ZIP files, or if you don't have this option simply do Extract the whole archive to the same location (make sure to do this with all modules you downloaded).

In result you'll see new in-portal/ folder with all files in it and the following structure:

- admin/
- core/
- modules/
- system/
- themes/
- tools/
- index.php
- other LICENSE and README files

Note that you should also see module-specific folders (i.e. in-link, in-news, in-bulletin) in modules/ folder if they were downloaded and extracted.

3. Upload these files to your web-server where you going to install In-Portal.

4. Run the installation by going

Also, don't forget to create Database if you don't have one yet, and download Themes if you need something more than Default one.

Here is a link to complete instructions -

Please let us know how it goes.
