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installation ok, but unable to log in? (3)

Posted: 06/21/2010 12:52:23 AM

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hi there, I have installed the In-Portal successfully, the site is running, but I cannot log in into

Used the "root" username, even tried to reinstall a couple of times with different password. Just can't seems to log in at all?


Posted: 06/21/2010 2:14:07 PM

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There are couple things to check:
1. during installation you specify "root" user's password 2 times (password & repeat password)
2. after you press "Finish" button on last installation step you are automatically logged-in into administrative console.
3. You then can do something in administrative console OR logout.
4. After logging out you can login by using "root" as username and password, specified in 1st step of this list.

Is all of that true for your installation?

Posted: 07/31/2010 9:24:25 AM

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Did you get this solved?

Same thing has just happened to me after installation.

Didn't understand the answer you were given, either, about 'root' x 2 etc...

Thought this was a decent looking CMS - and I've used a few - but it's already looking like a waste of time, like Boonex Dolphin. :-[