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Connection Error: (2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (113) (4)

Posted: 06/14/2010 12:16:29 PM

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I am encountering a problem on the first step (file system check) of the installation process.

Everything is ok apart from the last parameter & it is returning the following error message:

"Connection Error: (2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (113)"

I have double checked the config.php file & the database name, username & password all match the selected SQL database.

Any feedback on what this error could be would be appreciated.

Posted: 06/14/2010 12:23:49 PM

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This seems like your MySQL info is not entered correctly or MySQL server is not running. To test this please read my reply in this topic where explained how to test your connection to MySQL server:

Let us know how it goes


Posted: 06/14/2010 1:01:16 PM

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Hi Dmitri,

The server is running because I have 1 website running an SQL & 1 testsite running another SQL in a sub-directory (folder).

I am trying to install in-portal for testing purposes in another sub-directory.

I will re-create another database & change the config.php to match & I will let you know if it is successful or not

Posted: 06/14/2010 1:56:19 PM

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Hi Dmitri,

Ok, I deleted the config.php file & before re-uploading the new file I hit refresh on stage 1 of the installation process. It automatically brought me to stage 2!!! That is without a SQL database!!

Next I uploaded the new SQL database & entered the username, password & database name & it took me to the installation maintenance page where I must enter the username 'root' & a password.

How do I know what the password is as I have not yet been asked to enter one?

I think I am missing something very obvious here but what I am experiencing in the installation seems slightly different to the installation documentation.

Sorry to be a pain by keeping asking simple questions but I hope you can help me because I really want to try this CMS package.