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Permission Error: (1044) - I can't istall In-Portal (2)

Posted: 05/16/2010 1:37:23 PM

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Hello everyone,

When i'm trying to install In Portal 5.0.3, i receive the error:

Permission Error: (1044) Access denied for user 'raspunsuri1_uv01'@'%' to database 'raspunsuri1_uv_ro01'

Does anyone know what should i do to successfully install this application?


Posted: 05/17/2010 1:26:32 AM

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It looks, like username you have entered on database configuration step doesn't have proper access permission to database you've entered.

Connection Information (based on your post):
username is: raspunsuri1_uv01
database is: raspunsuri1_uv_ro01

What you should do:
1. check if password is correctly typed
2. make sure, that provided user has access to provided database

Based on hosting you are using there are several options:
1. manually adjust database permission in your hosting control panel
2. contact hosting administration to perform same task for you