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product_row_start & product_row_end in 4.3.9 (5)

Posted: 04/09/2010 3:59:47 AM

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I've upgraded an in-commerce website from 4.3.1 to 4.3.9 but my products lists don't behave correctly : product_row_start & product_row_end elements are no more used.

Exemple :

<inp2:m_DefineElement name="product_row_start">

<inp2:p_ListProducts list_name="products_in_current_cat" render_as="product_elem" row_start_render_as="product_row_start" row_end_render_as="product_row_end" empty_cell_render_as="product_empty_cell" columns="2" direction="V" />

Thank you

Posted: 04/09/2010 11:23:27 AM

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Hello there,

Would you please list a link your site (page in question) so we can take a closer look at the layout?


Posted: 04/12/2010 4:40:10 AM

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This is a link to the V4.3.1 website, like I want it to keep working on 4.3.9 :

I have 2 products per line in the center.

If you change your vhosts file

you will see all products on the same line

Posted: 04/13/2010 5:41:54 AM

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Hello Etienne,

to list more than one products per line, you can use the following code:

[CODE]<inp2:p_ListProducts list_name="products_in_category" render_as="product_element" columns="3" direction="H"/>[/CODE]

We have just added [CODE]columns="3" direction="H"[/CODE] to the original code. You'll find this line in themes/advanced/in-commerce/designs/section.tpl , and of course you'll need to call your own elements before render them.


Posted: 04/13/2010 5:50:28 AM

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Had already those informations columns and directions.

I made it by deleting from the liste the parameters

ow_start_render_as="product_row_start" row_end_render_as="product_row_end"

Thanks anyway