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Install problem... (2)

Posted: 12/18/2005 5:48:23 AM

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When I access the install page I'm getting the following error. I tried to change the permissions on the files but they are missing, I can't find the "pending" and "backupdata" files. I would be grateful for your help.


In-portal's Pending Image Upload directory must be writable (/public_html/directory/kernel/images/pending).

In-portal's Backup directory must be writable (/public_html/directory/admin/backupdata/).

Posted: 12/19/2005 12:13:25 PM

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jking wrote:12/18/2005 5:48:23 AM

When I access the install page I'm getting the following error. I tried to change the permissions on the files but they are missing, I can't find the "pending" and "backupdata" files. I would be grateful for your help.


In-portal's Pending Image Upload directory must be writable (/public_html/directory/kernel/images/pending).

In-portal's Backup directory must be writable (/public_html/directory/admin/backupdata/).

Hello James,

Sounds like some of the files/folders weren't uploaded. Please refer to the following topic for complete instructions on installation.

Also, please feel free to submit a support ticket if you still can't get it to work.
