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No Modules (2)

Posted: 01/15/2005 7:55:26 PM

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Sorry to post this twice, I didn't see this topic at first.

I'm unable to configure modules, create new or modify existing categories on my server. When I install locally on IIS it seems to work properly. The modules appear to be enabled but I can't disable them. The properties for each module don't appear as collapible menu choices on the left or on what is supposed to be the main page for modules.

I noticed that the install is differently with the database. On the local server it installs the db with the names in lower case and it does them in upper case remotely. For example inp_Category on remote and inp_category locally. Could this have something to do with the errors.


Posted: 01/17/2005 3:04:30 PM

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Please refer to the following topic.

Thank you.