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In-Portal Forum

In-Portal Hosting (3)

Posted: 07/12/2015 9:46:36 AM

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I have been reviewing all the information in the User and Developer tabs on the In-Portal website and see that In-Portal hosting is an option for people to purchase and use. Is this service available? Would it be possible for someone to order online and have it set up for them?

I think this would help attract more people to use In-Portal especially those that do not want to install themselves.


Posted: 07/12/2015 11:58:03 AM

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Hi John,

Thank you for the question - it's definitely an option that can and do offer when asked. However, we are not a hosting company and not trying to match and bit hosting companies that operate with large volume of accounts which allows them to offer very low pricing models.

Our simplest hosting account (limited virtual) starts with 20/month with 3 months commitment, but if you by from us you always deal with real people and we get things done. Of course you get more flexibility when you get VPS (virtual private server) that is more expensive.

Thank you.

Posted: 07/12/2015 12:53:00 PM

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Nice. Maybe we should mentioned that somewhere on website as well. E.g. "For more information about available hosting packages please write at [e-mail goes here]".