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In-Portal Forum

Pre-Sales questions (1)

Posted: 04/15/2009 2:28:32 AM

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I am in the middle of switching code to a wordpress-mu social network software. I currently use Links-SQL for my links management and I am thinking of switching over to in-portal's products primarily because i am a php site and Links is a perl site.

Can I easily integrate your in-links or in-forums or in-ecommerc php code to my wordpress site . How would I integrate the user tables etc so that if they register all the tables talk to each other.
How does in-portal deal with spam? Do you have ipbanlists, Akismet spam filter of posts, etc?
If a non-logged in user sees an article is the button to post visible and once clicked it takes him to the register screen?
Does your in-links validate non-working links?
Do you have comparison of features of fusionbb vs in-forums?