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In-Portal Forum

TagCloud (3) [Locked Topic]

Posted: 04/14/2008 6:26:39 AM

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Is there anybody with an Tag / TagCloud script for In-Portal who what's to share it?


Posted: 04/14/2008 10:48:53 AM

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beheerder wrote:04/14/2008 6:26:39 AM

Is there anybody with an Tag / TagCloud script for In-Portal who what's to share it?


Hi again,

We are planning to work and release customization guidelines/library to help all our user even more right after new In-commerce theme and next release 4.3.1 are out. This will happen closer to the end of this month.

I'll keep you updated.


Posted: 08/01/2009 12:26:03 PM

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Dmitry wrote:04/14/2008 10:48:53 AM
beheerder wrote:04/14/2008 6:26:39 AM

Is there anybody with an Tag / TagCloud script for In-Portal who what's to share it?


Hi again,

We are planning to work and release customization guidelines/library to help all our user even more right after new In-commerce theme and next release 4.3.1 are out. This will happen closer to the end of this month.

I'll keep you updated.
