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form fields (4)

Posted: 05/31/2006 9:54:09 PM

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Forgive the newbie Q'ns, but, I am new to this, taking over a project that did have a knowledgeable admin who did not pass on all required information to manage the site correctly.

Is there a reference for field names for example I see this site uses:
<td><INPUT type="text" name="suggest_email" value="" class="input" style="width: 135px;"></td>

where did the "suggest_email" come from?? Am I able to create new ones?? the form that is currently on my site is as follows:

<FORM method="POST" name="suggest" ACTION="<inp:m_form_action _form="suggest" _ConfirmTemplate="recommend/recommend_confirm.tpl" _ErrorTemplate="recommend/error.tpl" />">
<inp:m_language _Phrase="lu_prompt_recommend" />
<INPUT type="text" name="suggest_email" value="" class="input" style="width: 135px;">
<INPUT type="text" name="suggest_link" value="<inp:m_current_page_url />" class="input" style="width: 135px;">

<INPUT type="submit" name="suggest_send" value="<inp:m_language _Phrase="lu_recommend" />" class="button">

This works, however I do not understand where/what '_form="suggest"', 'name="suggest_email"', 'name="suggest_send"' is/does.

Please point me in a good direction. Nothing in the user manual explains this.

Please help!

Posted: 06/05/2006 2:15:20 PM

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fitzy wrote:05/31/2006 9:54:09 PM
Forgive the newbie Q'ns, but, I am new to this, taking over a project that did have a knowledgeable admin who did not pass on all required information to manage the site correctly.

Is there a reference for field names for example I see this site uses:
<td><INPUT type="text" name="suggest_email" value="" class="input" style="width: 135px;"></td>

where did the "suggest_email" come from?? Am I able to create new ones?? the form that is currently on my site is as follows:

<FORM method="POST" name="suggest" ACTION="<inp:m_form_action _form="suggest" _ConfirmTemplate="recommend/recommend_confirm.tpl" _ErrorTemplate="recommend/error.tpl" />">
<inp:m_language _Phrase="lu_prompt_recommend" />
<INPUT type="text" name="suggest_email" value="" class="input" style="width: 135px;">
<INPUT type="text" name="suggest_link" value="<inp:m_current_page_url />" class="input" style="width: 135px;">

<INPUT type="submit" name="suggest_send" value="<inp:m_language _Phrase="lu_recommend" />" class="button">

This works, however I do not understand where/what '_form="suggest"', 'name="suggest_email"', 'name="suggest_send"' is/does.

Please point me in a good direction. Nothing in the user manual explains this.

Please help!


Well, like any HTML form this form has form, input and submit button elements. We are using

<inp:m_form_action _form="suggest" _ConfirmTemplate="recommend/recommend_confirm.tpl" _ErrorTemplate="recommend/error.tpl" />

In-portal system tag which returns some value. Simply look at HTML source of this form and you'll see that it's not different from others.

The main purpose of template system is to make the portal more flexible
and easy to manage and program overall.

Everything starts with the "themes" since each template belongs to a
theme. The software is always shipped at least with one "default" theme,
but you'll also get "onlinestore" theme if purchased In-commerce module.
Consider different themes as different designs. Important to note that
we never use the same template across different themes. In other words,
if one theme is set as primary (Admin->Configuration->Themes section)
and loaded the software won't know anything about any another theme.

Once you have determined which theme is loaded/primary now you can
start changing it templates through online editor or directly
downloading/uploading them through FTP client (more advanced) after making changes in your local editor.

Basically, there is no difference which Editor to use to work with the templates. We used to have Dreamweaver theme in our previous generation of In-link2, but currently we don't support it any more. Technically, Dreamweaver should work just fine, but depending on it's version. The older versions worked fine I think, but not sure.

All the templates contain HTML mixed with In-portal tags which usually
return some other HTML after got executed by In-portal.


Posted: 04/02/2008 1:49:00 PM

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Do you know if there is a way to allow more than one selection when you do a checkbox or a radio button? I can list several values, but it will only allow me to have one selection on the front end.

Posted: 04/02/2008 4:19:40 PM

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cabinetkenny wrote:04/02/2008 1:49:00 PM
Do you know if there is a way to allow more than one selection when you do a checkbox or a radio button? I can list several values, but it will only allow me to have one selection on the front end.

Hi Kenny,

Sure, you can easily list multiple options for Radio buttons by listing multiple options in Value list field:

0=+No,1=+Yes,2=+May Be

Note that you can use already predefined Language Labels too:


Feel free to let me know if you have any issues using this.
