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user custom field on registration form (3)

Posted: 08/16/2005 3:33:58 PM

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I want to add a custom field to the registration form register_form.tpl to collect the information from the user on registration. If the custom field name is: lu_fieldcustom__userfax what should I change?

                                            <td><img src="img/s.gif" width="16" height="1" alt="" /></td>
                                            <td><inp:m_form_prompt _Form="m_register" _Field="phone" _langtext="lu_pp_phone" _Template="misc/form_prompt.tpl" _ErrorTemplate="misc/form_prompt_error.tpl"  /></td>
                                            <td> </td>
                                            <td><inp:m_form_input _field="phone" _Form="m_register" type="text" class="input" style="width:135px;" /></td>


Posted: 08/17/2005 11:56:44 AM

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I'll check this and let you know shortly!


Posted: 08/30/2005 5:22:06 PM

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Hello Tariq,

What you are asking is very similar to the following topic. Please look though it and let me know if you need any further assistance.
