Posted: 02/06/2005 8:01:35 AM
(This referece to an install of all modules)
I've just completed changing all the templates to 100% width and am now looking at changing the style, colour and images but have a few questions first...
1. Does the css for in-portal deal with the complete site as I see inbulletin also has a css.
2. If the two css files are on there own, what is required to make the in-portal css file site wide and remove the inbulletin one.
3. Do you have any diagram showing where tags are used, so it's easy to customise the style?
4. On the frontpage (in-portal) is it currently possible (without code hacking) to display the in-link cats and below it news items.
5. Once customised, and looking ahead, when you next upgrade - do you provide details of what has changed since the last build?
6. I notice in another thread talk about Dreamweaver, would this allow the tamplates to be edited as viewing the site complete? If so are you planning this soon :)
Think that should do for now, sorry for the list but thought it also may help others.
On that topic of others, if anyone is looking at customising their style let me know, more heads are better than one ;)
[Edited By Clootie on 02/06/05 8:03:08 AM]