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Creating New Pages/Templates (1)

Posted: 03/23/2005 10:40:49 AM

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Below you'll find the instructions on how to add your own templates and properly link to them from other In-portal pages:

1. New Pages

a. Manually (not from Admin)
Make a copy of "index.tpl" template as many times as you need. Rename it the filename to whatever you need. Next, you can take out everything between the main table tags:

<inp:include _template="common/head.tpl" />
<inp:include _Template="common/pagetop.tpl" />

<table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <!-- start content -->
        <td valign="top" height="100%">


    <!-- content \\-->
    <inp:include _Template="common/footer.tpl" />


Please note, that the code is from the "default" theme.

b. Using On-line Template Editor (Admin)
Go to Admin->Configuration->Themes section and double-click on your theme, or create a new one. Next click on add new template button and define template name (Latin (alphabetical) characters ONLY!) with no spaces or quotes or any other special characters - plain text. You can use "_" if you need. Next, copy and paste the above code into your new template and click save.

Please note that "themes/" folder and any other file you will working with should be fully writable from the web (777 permissions) in order to modify it using In-portal on-line Template Editor.

2. Link to new Template
Simply use the m_template_link tag in order to make a link to any template. There is a full description with accepted attributes and examples listed in In-tag library (Admin->Modules&Settings: Tag Library)

[Edited By Dmitry on 03/23/05 10:41:38 AM]

[Edited By Dmitry on 03/23/05 10:42:40 AM]