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What Does This Mean? (3)

Posted: 03/24/2015 7:52:41 PM

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I am using the advanced theme and plan on customizing it for my site. Reviewing the code, I see input:m like in the code below, what does input:m mean? Does this need to be used in templates for it to work in in-portal cms?

<inp2:m_DefineElement name="page_title">
<inp2:m_phrase name="lu_title_WelcomeTitle" no_editing="1"/>
<!--## //PAGE TITLE ELEMENT ##-->

<!--## SIDE-BAR ELEMENT ##-->
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="sidebar">
<div class="movable-area">
<div class="movable-element">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="platform/elements/side_boxes/login.elm" design="blue_box"/>
<div class="movable-element">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="platform/elements/side_boxes/search.elm" design="blue_box"/>
<div class="movable-element">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="platform/elements/side_boxes/recommend_site.elm" design="blue_box"/>
<div class="movable-element">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="platform/elements/side_boxes/mailing_list.elm" design="blue_box"/>
<!--## /SIDE-BAR ELEMENT ##-->

Posted: 03/25/2015 2:58:54 AM

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What you refer as inputs, are not inputs, but In-Portal parser tags. They start with <inp2: or </inp2: . When template is parsed they are replaced by actual HTML.

If you don't need to show any data from database and just want to have static html, then of course you don't need them.

Not sure really why you're worried about them.

Posted: 03/25/2015 6:03:13 AM

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alex wrote:03/25/2015 2:58:54 AM
What you refer as inputs, are not inputs, but In-Portal parser tags. They start with <inp2: or </inp2: . When template is parsed they are replaced by actual HTML.

If you don't need to show any data from database and just want to have static html, then of course you don't need them.

Not sure really why you're worried about them.

I am looking at making my own template or modifying this one. I wanted to make sure I did not delete this if it is required for the template to work or include this tag if I code my own template.
