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Link without URL (8)

Posted: 07/05/2005 7:35:00 AM

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I want to add "links" as info addresses to e.g. medical centers etc...
Is there a possibility to remove the "required" from the URL field... or is there any other way to handle it, perhaps making the script to reload the in-Linkpage instead of opening a non-existent webpage?


Posted: 07/05/2005 10:16:09 AM

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Hugo wrote:07/05/2005 7:35:00 AM
I want to add "links" as info addresses to e.g. medical centers etc...
Is there a possibility to remove the "required" from the URL field... or is there any other way to handle it, perhaps making the script to reload the in-Linkpage instead of opening a non-existent webpage?


Hi again,

You want to make it optional/remote it in the Front End or Admin?


Posted: 07/05/2005 1:52:17 PM

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Hi again,

You want to make it optional/remote it in the Front End or Admin?


ADMIN is good for our needs.
Front End would open new possible uses for in-Link - so I'm interested of this solution as well

Thank you!


Posted: 07/06/2005 9:46:59 AM

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Hugo wrote:07/05/2005 1:52:17 PM

Hi again,

You want to make it optional/remote it in the Front End or Admin?


ADMIN is good for our needs.
Front End would open new possible uses for in-Link - so I'm interested of this solution as well

Thank you!


Hello Hugo,

Front End - Link Suggest form
You need to open themes/default/inlink/suggest_link/suggest_link_form.tpl template and remove _Require="1" from the following line:

<inp:m_form_input type="text" class="input" _field="url" _Form="l_addlink" _Required="1" style="width:235px;" />

Front End - Link Edit form
Open themes/default/inlink/edit_link/edit_link_form.tpl template and remove _Require="1" from the following line:

<inp:m_form_input type="text" class="input" _field="url" _Form="editlink" _Required="1" style="width:235px;" />

In the Admin I wouldn't recommend to chage the code since it will complicate the upgrade process in the future.


Posted: 07/07/2005 10:29:24 AM

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No, the script still add the "http:///" so even if the admin or the member are allowed to add a link whitout writting the url the "phantom link http:///" is still there pointing to a noneexistent webpage...

Posted: 07/07/2005 10:48:59 AM

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Hugo wrote:07/07/2005 10:29:24 AM
No, the script still add the "http:///" so even if the admin or the member are allowed to add a link whitout writting the url the "phantom link http:///" is still there pointing to a noneexistent webpage...

Hello Mario,

I believe it's something what needs to be changed in the code. I'll see how complicated it is and let you know.


Posted: 07/11/2005 8:04:09 AM

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Thank you.
Perhaps there is a possibility to automatically add a "no webpage" icon to links without url?
Or perhaps a choice in the admin page -when adding or validating new links- to add the "no webpage" icon without the need to manually add html code (e.g. nowebpage-image address) to the link...


Posted: 07/11/2005 9:47:06 AM

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Hugo wrote:07/11/2005 8:04:09 AM
Thank you.
Perhaps there is a possibility to automatically add a "no webpage" icon to links without url?
Or perhaps a choice in the admin page -when adding or validating new links- to add the "no webpage" icon without the need to manually add html code (e.g. nowebpage-image address) to the link...


Hello Hugo,

What is your site URL? I want to try your Suggest Link form.
