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help with inp2 tag (6)

Posted: 02/04/2006 5:50:10 PM

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I need something to work like this to use with a user custom field.

<inp2:m_if check="p_CustomField" name="Features" /> HTML HERE </inp2:m_if>

If there is any data in the user's custom field, I want to display it in a table. If not, I want nothing displayed.

can this tag be modified to use?

Posted: 02/06/2006 10:28:16 AM

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lhornaday wrote:02/04/2006 5:50:10 PM
I need something to work like this to use with a user custom field.

<inp2:m_if check="p_CustomField" name="Features" /> HTML HERE </inp2:m_if>

If there is any data in the user's custom field, I want to display it in a table. If not, I want nothing displayed.

can this tag be modified to use?

Hello Luke,

What item type you need this for? users, links or categories? Give me example of the page you want to use this.


Posted: 02/07/2006 11:12:23 PM

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It is going to be on the user's profile page. I'm am going to use it for user custom fields.

Posted: 02/16/2006 3:30:35 PM

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Any thoughts on this?

If you need to see my profile page:

I am trying to hide what is not entered by the user (Job Description, Work History currently on mine)


[Edited By lhornaday on 02/16/06 3:31:14 PM]

Posted: 02/20/2006 10:10:31 AM

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lhornaday wrote:02/16/2006 3:30:35 PM
Any thoughts on this?

If you need to see my profile page:

I am trying to hide what is not entered by the user (Job Description, Work History currently on mine)


[Edited By lhornaday on 02/16/06 3:31:14 PM]

Hello Luke,

Sorry about some delay.

Example how you can do it for your Job Description custom field:

<inp:m_user_profile_field _field="custom" _customfield="fieldcustom_jobdescription" >
                <td CLASS="field-name-profile" valign="top" width="125" NOWRAP>Job Description:</td>
                <td class="field-content-profile"><inp:m_user_profile_field _field="custom" _customfield="fieldcustom_jobdescription" /></span>

Posted: 02/21/2006 1:42:03 PM

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Thank you Dmitry. that sure is simple. In-portal is a very functional script