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Show the category images (3)

Posted: 05/26/2005 5:15:53 PM

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In In-News, When viewing the parent category how do I display the subccategory images that I specified when creating the categories? I tried this already:

<inp:category _field="image" _thumbnail="1" _primary="1" _ImageTag="1" _defaulturl="img/noimage.gif" alt="" border="0" />

And also display the category description when viewing that category, I just see the name and the articles but not the description of the cateogy.

Javascript is now allowed unless is in a .js file... am I right?


Posted: 05/27/2005 11:02:45 AM

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micantina wrote:05/26/2005 5:15:53 PM
In In-News, When viewing the parent category how do I display the subccategory images that I specified when creating the categories? I tried this already:

<inp:category _field="image" _thumbnail="1" _primary="1" _ImageTag="1" _defaulturl="img/noimage.gif" alt="" border="0" />

And also display the category description when viewing that category, I just see the name and the articles but not the description of the cateogy.

Javascript is now allowed unless is in a .js file... am I right?



1 & 2. I would need to see your pages for first and second questions.

3. Not sure what you mean by JavaScript allowed... I don't recall we had any limitations on this.


Posted: 06/01/2005 4:55:14 PM

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I would like to make the category main pages looks more like this:

where it would list the subcategories and at least one article from each category

and the HOME home page I would like it to do the same functions, looking more like this:

I think I figured out the other question about displaying a category's image, I think it's better for me to create a custom field and then display that field as the category image.

Here's what I have right now but I still want to do a lot of coztumizations to it to make it look like the page above:

Thanks for your attention, so far this product is very easy to use compared to several others I have tried.

[Edited By micantina on 06/01/05 4:55:46 PM]