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Templates (2)

Posted: 01/22/2005 8:11:51 PM

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Hello all,

I'm in the process of working through the templates changing them to work at 100% screen view, but would like to ask the staff a question.

Could you not place the table code that you have at 770 currently in lots of templates inside the header template, thus changing it site wide and closing the table in the footer?

Would save loads of template changes when you next release and upgrade.
At the least release a 100% version in tandum with the 770 one.


Posted: 01/23/2005 11:19:37 PM

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Clootie wrote:01/22/2005 8:11:51 PM
Hello all,

I'm in the process of working through the templates changing them to work at 100% screen view, but would like to ask the staff a question.

Could you not place the table code that you have at 770 currently in lots of templates inside the header template, thus changing it site wide and closing the table in the footer?

Would save loads of template changes when you next release and upgrade.
At the least release a 100% version in tandum with the 770 one.


Hello David,

I see what you mean, but we already have it as a standard for "default" theme. I can recommend use some advanced text editor where you can do a global search for a phrase and open that file directly from the results. As far as I know Zend Development Studio is capable of that, plus they have a personal edition which is free. This way you can peform the search and it will take not more than 10mins to correct all necessary templates.

Thank you.