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Menubar Link Colors (5)

Posted: 01/19/2005 5:09:32 AM

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For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to modify the link colors for the Home, Directory, News, Forums, My Account links in the menubar. The sad thing is that I figured this out earlier on a previous installation and now I can't figure it out again. It appears that this is not done in the CSS file?

I love in-portal - I think you guys did a great job, but I will say that customizing it is very difficult.. Some color values are in templates and others are in the CSS file.


Posted: 01/19/2005 10:59:36 AM

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Hello Jason,

Please have close look at the block of code (default/common/pagetop.tpl) posted below:

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr class="head-nav">
   <td><a onmouseover="highlight_link('homelink','#ffffff');" onmouseout="highlight_link('homelink','');" href="<inp:m_template_link _Template="index" _Category=0 />"><img src="img/ic_head_home.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" /></a></td>
   <td><a id="homelink" href="<inp:m_template_link _Template="index" _Category=0 />"><inp:m_language _Phrase="lu_home" /></a></td>
   <td><img src="img/ic_head_separ.gif" width="11" height="24" alt="" /></td>

   <inp:mod_include _Template="menubar_element" />

   <td><a onmouseover="highlight_link('accountlink','#ffffff');" onmouseout="highlight_link('accountlink','');" href="<inp:m_access_template_link _Template="my_account" _System="1" _DeniedTemplate="login" _Perm="login" />"><img src="img/ic_head_myaccount.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" /></a></td>
   <td><a  id="accountlink" href="<inp:m_access_template_link _Template="my_account" _System="1" _DeniedTemplate="login" _Perm="login" />"><inp:m_language _Phrase="lu_myaccount" /></a></td>
   <td><img src="img/s.gif" width="10" height="1" alt="" /></td>

There is a head-nav class used in a top <TR> which controls the colours for that entire section. Please notice, that we are using JavaScript function in order to change the colours on MouseOver event right the code. Also, pay attention to

<inp:mod_include _Template="menubar_element" />

which finds and prints out the menubar_element from the installed modules. For ecample for In-link it would be under "default/inlink/menubar_element.tpl". The same idea for the rest of the installed/available modules.

As I already posted in some other place here on the forum - In-portal is much more advanced system comparing to the In-link2. Of course it requires a little more skills to customize it, but it's very doable for most of you! You really can do amazing things with In-portal.

Thank you.

Posted: 01/19/2005 7:03:01 PM

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Thanks Dmitry.. I will give that a try..

It seems clear to me that you can do amazing things with this software and I am very pleased with it. It is tough sometimes to figure out which templates/files need to be modified because there are so many.. It is quite complex.. For example, I am trying to create boxes (like on the right side) on the left side too, and I am finding that there are a bunch of files that need to be modified and figuring out which ones can be a little difficult..

Posted: 01/20/2005 10:34:59 AM

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jsprague wrote:01/19/2005 7:03:01 PM
Thanks Dmitry.. I will give that a try..

It seems clear to me that you can do amazing things with this software and I am very pleased with it. It is tough sometimes to figure out which templates/files need to be modified because there are so many.. It is quite complex.. For example, I am trying to create boxes (like on the right side) on the left side too, and I am finding that there are a bunch of files that need to be modified and figuring out which ones can be a little difficult..


Believe me it's not that hard and I am positive you'll get it fine. Anyway, please don't hesitate to ask me any questions on this. I'll be glad to assist you.

P.S. A little advice, you can look at In-link2 theme for In-portal/In-link3 and see how it's done there. It's less confusing, since contains less visual stuff on the page.

Thank you.

Posted: 01/20/2005 6:31:20 PM

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It is coming along pretty well.. There is a little bit of a learning curve to get oriented as to where everything is, but it is all starting to make sense now..