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Editing custom fields (6)

Posted: 01/12/2005 7:16:51 AM

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Can you explain what means the HEADING and FIELD PROMPT values in the custom fields option, if possible with an example? I'm not sure to understand its meaning.

Posted: 01/12/2005 6:41:26 PM

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Hello Manuel,

Sorry, I am not sure which TAG you are talking about. Would you please post that code here.

Thank you.

Posted: 01/12/2005 7:11:26 PM

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In the Control Panel, under Modules & Settings > In-Link > Custom Fields.> Administration Panel UI, there are five tags: Show on the general tab (which I dont understand also), Heading, Field Prompt, Input Type, List of Values.


Posted: 01/13/2005 10:59:29 AM

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Hello Manuel,

I just added a new post under FAQ section with full explanation for this.

Thank you.

Posted: 01/13/2005 12:07:44 PM

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Nice. There is some information missing for the Field Prompt in the FAQ. I would suggest the inclusion of example to be more clear.

Is the following information correct for a custom field i created?

Field Id 4
Field Name: País
Field Label: lu_fieldcustom__País: País
[Administration Panel UI]
Show on the general tab (checked)
Heading : País
Field Prompt: la_pais
Input Type : dropdown
List of Values : Curacao=la_Curacao, República Dominicana=la_Republica_Dominicana, Puerto Rico=la_Puerto_Rico

Additional questions. (1) Should the dropdown be shown when I look at a link from the Admin Panel or it would only a value selected ( for example: País: Curacao)? I ask because when i go to the custom tab in the Catalog for editing a link, instead of a dropdown I se a text field. (2) How I create a not selected radio button? (3) How I create a checkbox?


[Edited By manuel on 01/13/05 12:08:43 PM]

Posted: 01/14/2005 12:05:34 PM

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Please refer to the screenshots and additional note that have added to the original FAQ post.

Thank you.