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PHP rewrite mode or somthing (Search engine friendly pages) (2)

Posted: 12/28/2004 2:58:43 PM

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Does in-link have a PHP rewrite function to make pages such as:


All the search engines have a hard time finding pages. What to I need to do? Is there a program I can buy or commands I can add?

[Edited By neox1969 on 12/28/04 3:01:48 PM]

Posted: 12/29/2004 10:35:11 AM

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Hello Neox,

Well, there is a long topic about this some time ago. Just to summarize, the most popular/important SEs do support dynamic URLs. I personally talked to Google representative about that. Of course, there some standards/rules we should follow in order to make this happened, but we have tested it many times on different many sites and it works just fine. Example, In-link2 based website. I believe it has been indexed and cached all levels down ( In other words, the URLs will be accepted by major SEs.

Thank you.