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In-Portal Forum

Importing (7)

Posted: 11/02/2004 11:06:23 PM

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Okay, it seems there's no more admin demo and I can't remember what import capabilities this script has, so can someone tell me if In-Portal/In-Link imports csv files? I don't see anything in the documentation, but I could have sworn that it DOES import csv data. Maybe I'm confusing it with some other script, though.

Well, I hope so. I'm thinking I might like to use In-Portal but I currrently have 40,000+ links with the script I'm presently using and I'm sure as hell not starting over from scratch!


Posted: 11/03/2004 11:15:13 AM

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Okaaaay... 12+ people have looked at this post. Are you telling me that not ONE was an actual user of this script who could take 10 seconds to answer this question? Come on, people, where's the love?!

Posted: 11/03/2004 11:53:16 AM

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Okay, I know from looking at some of the old posts that csv files CAN be imported but, if I understand correctly I would have to export and import each of my 7,000+ categories separately. Is this correct? Plus thousands are cross-referenced... I wonder how they would be affected. Hmmm, guess maybe I should give up on this idea.

Posted: 11/03/2004 12:21:37 PM

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Hello Frank,

I've got your email and I promise to look into this within a couple of days!

Thank you.

Posted: 11/03/2004 1:17:11 PM

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Thank you, Dmitry.

Posted: 11/08/2004 12:10:13 PM

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Posted: 11/09/2004 9:02:00 AM

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Hello Frank,

I have emailed you yesterday. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions on this topic.

Thank you.