Posted: 12/05/2003 6:11:00 PM
I've been happily using In-Link for some time to run my local internet directory serving northeast Pennsylvania ( However I've outgrown In-Link as a stand-alone product and really need to add some portal features to keep the traffic coming to my site (namely, news, weather, messageboard, etc).
While I'd love to wait around another 2 years for In-Portal to get finished, it's pretty clear to me that the product is dead so it's time to move on. Can anyone recommend any good alternatives that might meet my needs?
One solution I came up with was to somehow integrate my existing In-Link install with GeekLog, a popular portal system in the same vein as PHPNuke. However I suspect that may be more trouble than it's worth. Especially since I'd have to pull my programmer off other (money-making) projects just to focus on setting up this one, generally non-profit site.
The other option is to actually locate and purchase a competing package, which has all the features I need. Again, the trouble is that what I really want is In-Link plus dynamic portal features (a.k.a. In-Portal) so I'd hate to scrap all of my current investment just to add some features to my site.
Does anyone have any ideas? To those of you who gave up on In-Portal, what did you migrate to? Any help would be appreciated.