Posted: 06/11/2003 9:26:00 AM
Wow! To say there's been some unexpected delays is a big understatement. Please, Stoyan, can we have something more concrete on when exactly this thing will be done? In-Link looks alright but I'm much more interested in the added features In-Portal is promising, including the creation of static pages (without hacking, thank you!). I don't want to spend money on In-Link, then have to turn around a month up the road and shell out who knows how much more for In-Portal.
Sorry, but "it's in beta" and that's it for an answer is not a good answer. If you guys can't even give an estimate for when it will be released (NOT a wishful thinking guess, but one based on current development facts), that says to me that you're probably up to your neck with unforeseen problems and it could possibly be several months still till we see something. That's fine if so, but I'd like some idea. If it's gonna be months, I can't wait that long, so I'll have to move on to something else. And if you can't give a better answer, then I'll still be moving on....
Thank you
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: imno007 on 2003-06-11 09:34 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: imno007 on 2003-06-11 09:41 ]</font>